Improving Municipal Street Cleaning and Waste Management Services


We recently implemented a UNDP-funded project, helping 39 municipalities in Georgia to improve municipal street cleaning and waste management services, and to increase the efficiency of local authorities and amenity service providers.

The project entailed the development of a Performance Management System (PMS) for the abovementioned services to help local authorities to plan, manage, and assess service provision in an improved manner. As a result of the project, the PMS was implemented in 23 of the targeted municipalities and promoted in the other 16, and is available on the online platform ( for municipal services established by the Municipal Services Development Agency (MSDA). The system is available not only to the target municipalities, but also to the majority of Georgian municipalities.

More specifically, at the initial phase of the project, we developed a methodology for a baseline study, which was duly conducted across the targeted 39 municipalities, to assess the existing situation with respect to municipal waste management. Subsequently, we developed the aforesaid PMS according to indicators selected in the course of the baseline study. Furthermore, an analytical module was designed, describing the structure needed for a web application, for which a corresponding manual was developed.

As a result, 213 people were trained on how to implement this web application. In addition, four briefing/promotional meetings were held for the representatives of 16 municipalities and a video guide was prepared, describing the basic functionalities of the application.

“The project will contribute to improving the currently inefficient waste management system, bringing it in line with modern requirements and reality. With the acquired knowledge and experience, we will be able to manage and plan our activities more efficiently. Moreover, the gained knowledge in waste management issues will help us to make society more informed and, at the same time, help us to raise their awareness.

The Performance Management System (PMS) will enable our municipality to plan human, financial, infrastructural, and other resources properly to improve the quality of waste management. Working in accordance with the system will play an important role, both in terms of cost-effectiveness and economic sustainability, as well as in preventing negative impacts on the health of the population and the environment,”

said Irina Chkadua, participant of the trainings and Senior Specialist of Poti Municipality City Hall Service Center.

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