Waste Management

We are actively involved in reforms and projects being implemented in the waste management sector. We believe that modernizing this sector improves the quality of life, health, and safety of the population, boosts environmental protection, and also creates new economic and business development opportunities in the waste treatment/recycling industry.

With this in mind, we work very closely with governments, local municipalities, and donor organizations to achieve strategic goals and targets defined by national waste management strategies. Our projects ensure the implementation of modern standards and technology in the sector, through the involvement of the highest-quality expertise and consultation.

We are involved in the development of modern sanitary landfills, the elaboration of performance management systems for waste management services (systems that help municipalities to manage and monitor all important aspects of waste management services), the establishment of modern recycling systems, as well as institutional development and capacity building.

Waste Management Advisory Services

PMCG covers the following areas under the waste management sector:

  • Preparation of feasibility studies;
  • Development of sanitary landfill designs;
  • Implementation of modern recycling systems for different waste streams;
  • Landfill biogas management;
  • Implementation of waste composting systems;
  • Elaboration of performance management systems;
  • Landfill economics;
  • Institutional development and capacity building; and
  • Preparation of environmental impact assessment (EIA) reports.

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