Sharing Experience of Attracting Investments Post-war with Representatives of Municipalities of Ukraine


On June 27, David Lezhava, Director at PMCG, and Lasha Mgeladze, Consultant at PMCG, participated in an event entitled “Modeling of Effective Investment Activity in Territorial Communities During the War and in the Post-War Period.”

The conference aimed to enlighten participants about the work of and results achieved by UNDP in Eastern Ukraine, and to inform new target municipalities about opportunities, goals, and plans, as well as demonstrating successful project cases and focusing on the scaling-up of the “Development of Investment Profiles of Municipalities and Regulations on Attracting Investments at the Local Level” project in Donetsk and Lugansk regions to all target territorial communities. The conference also aimed to promote the development of community capacities through strengthening investment potential.

Mr. Lezhava and Mr. Mgeladze presented to the participants of the event the Georgian experience of attracting investments in a post-war period and the practices of post-war recovery in the country.

Enormous efforts will be needed to rebuild Ukrainian cities and solve social problems in the post-war period. The support of the international community is critical for timely resolution of these issues. It was interesting for the conference organizers and participants to hear about how Georgia managed to mobilize support of international organizations”,

said Mr. Lezhava, adding that

“despite the fact that the 2008 Russia-Georgia war was relatively short, Georgia has valuable experience in terms of the resettlement of internally displaced people and mobilization of international aid in a post-wat period.”

The conference acquainted participants with: the experience of attracting investments in the post-war period in Georgia; actions of local self-government bodies in the relocation of businesses within Ukraine; analytical information about the current business climate; and how to model investment policy in society and develop investment profiles.

The event was organized by the Ukrainian IBI-Rating Agency with the support of UNDP and funded by the European Union.

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