USAID Resilient Communities Program

Project Client

Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA);



Origin Of Funding

United States Agency for International Development (USAID);

Start Date


End Date




The purpose of this program is to have resilient target communities in Georgia that pursue and benefit from inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development, and are capable of countering protracted malign influence. The primary focus is to strengthen the resilience of up to 93 communities near the administrative boundary line (ABL) and potentially other communities of the country that are vulnerable to external threats.

The program uses a market-systems approach to address the root causes of vulnerability in target communities through increased market linkages, investment, and community strengthening. It contributes towards the achievement of USAID/Georgia’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy’s (CDCS) Development Objective 1, namely to strengthen resilience to external malign influence by increasing positive engagement with people living in and along the occupied territories and reducing economic exposure to external malign influence.

PMCG supports the program by contributing to the development of program strategies and approaches to work with community stakeholders. This includes contributing to the design and implementation of the market systems analysis (MSA) and other studies, the assessment of municipal strategies for community resilience, building capacities of community-based organizations (CBOs), as well as providing project management of interventions and activities, including infrastructure investment activities.

When necessary, PMCG will support the CNFA to ensure that an integrated approach overall to improving the resilience of targeted communities is achieved.