Trainings for GSE Personnel Launched by PMCG


On April 26, in collaboration with the Management Academy, PMCG started a series of trainings in project management for the Georgian State Electrosystem Corporation’s (GSE) top and middle managers. The seminar which was held was part of the Performance Management project launched in January under the USAID HICD Plus contract.

The trainings are driven toward increasing the professionalism of GSE staff in the field of project management and preparing its participants for effective delivery in the corresponding project area.

The seminar, which was presented by Mr. Aleksandre Jejelava, chairman and leading trainer of the Management Academy, covered the following topics:
. Project Management methodology;
. Similarities and differences between process and project management;
. Key project stakeholders;
. Project development phases;
. Key project documents;
. Project communications.

Afterwards, Mr Jejelava underlined the significance of the training: “In my opinion, for large organizations, such as State Electricity System, it is very important to develop the managerial personnel, especially in the Project Management field. During the training, it was clearly shown that these methodological issues, which we use, are very important for GSE’s managers and there is a strong motivation towards improving the methodology of projects.”

He added that the approach of those who had taken part had contributed to a successful session: “The training was carried out with highly engaged participants, which is a prerequisite for any such training and will be necessary in future seminars.”

In addition to the one-day PM introductory seminar, PMCG and Management Academy consultants will deliver short and full courses for all employees involved in the projects.
The second round of the workshop is scheduled for 10th May.

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