Supporting the Maldives to Strengthen Public Financial Management (PFM) and Domestic Revenue Mobilization (DRM) Systems

We recently became part of a new five-year program in the Maldives, run by DAI Global and funded by USAID. The project aims to enhance the quality, efficiency and transparency of managing government budget processes and public investments by strengthening public financial management (PFM) and domestic revenue mobilization (DRM) systems.
More specifically, the program aims to establish and implement a transparent and accountable system that leads to improved national budget allocations and management, the identification and implementation of efficient public investments in services and facilities, and the mobilization of sufficient public revenue, commensurate with public investments and services.
PMCG will work closely with the Government of the Maldives, especially its Ministry of Finance (MoF), to analyze budget legislation and MoF regulations, and to identify and draft legislative amendments, regulations, and guidance materials governing the program-based budgeting (PBB) cycle.
“PMCG is broadening its geographical area of assistance to governments and recently we started working with the Government of the Maldives to strengthen its PFM and DRM systems. Transparent budget management is the backbone of social and economic development of a country and its prosperity. In this regard, we will support the Government of the Maldives at a regulatory and legislative level. Such intervention is pivotal for the Government which in its creation of transparent rules-based public finance,” said Aleksi Aleksishvili, CEO and Chairman at PMCG.
This five-year USAID-funded Public Financial Management Maldives Activity Program is being implemented by PMCG, as a sub-contractor of DAI Global.