Review Mission for the Budget Support under ENPARD III in Georgia


We were recently selected to execute a project, which entails conducting an independent and detailed review of the Georgian government’s fulfilment of the conditions under the EU-funded European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD).

In order to implement the project effectively, PMCG’s consultants will perform two review missions (one in 2020 and the other 2021), producing an independent and substantiated assessment of the fulfilment of the conditionalities required to activate disbursement of the budget support tranches. They will also provide separate sets of recommendations, one for the Government and the other for the Delegation of the European Union to Georgia.

The project is part of the EU Framework Contract SIEA Lot 5: Budget Support, in a consortium led by ADE, with the global objective of promoting the development of effective and sustainable agriculture and rural public policies and reforms in Georgia.

ENPARD in Georgia has been providing substantial financial and technical support to promote reforms in this sector. The third phase of the Programme, ENPARD III (which started in 2017), aims to promote the development of effective and sustainable agriculture and rural development policies and reforms, and to improve the delivery of related services to help address the basic needs of rural populations. In so doing, ENPARD assists the Government of Georgia in eradicating poverty, promoting sustainable and inclusive growth, and consolidating/improving democratic and economic governance. In addition to direct budget support, the Programme also includes complementary measures delivered by international organizations through local grants.

Please kindly follow the link below for detailed information about the project:
European Neighborhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (ENPARD) Georgia – Review Mission for Budget Support: Third and Fourth Tranches under ENPARD III



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