USAID Unity Through Diversity Program

United Nations Association of Georgia (UNA Georgia);
United States Agency for International Development (USAID);
The five-year USAID Unity Through Diversity Program, implemented in partnership with the United Nations Association of Georgia (UNA Georgia), aims to connect public and private sectors to address the political, social, and economic barriers hindering the integration of ethnic and religious minorities in Georgia.
The Program works to increase the inclusion of minorities in policymaking, expand mutually-beneficial social, civic, and economic linkages between minority and majority populations, reduce the barriers obstructing civic and economic integration, and ultimately strengthen Georgia’s societal resilience.
It is designed to serve as a hub in USAID’s integration programming in Georgia, and deploys strategic approaches of learning, capacity building, networking, co-creation, and co-investment to bring about positive results/effects for citizen engagement, enhanced minority participation, information resilience, employment, and growth.
PMCG provides general research, management, and market penetration support, including piloting market-based projects, continuous analysis of value chains, and proactive design of high-integration value economic linkages and solutions. Moreover, PMCG provides unique, hands-on experience in terms of the business-enabling environment, socio-economic reforms, policy elaboration, and institutional capacity development in Georgia and abroad.
In addition, PMCG will also serve as the local resource/support entity for the program and its implementing partners. More specifically, to achieve the Program’s goals, we will:
- Lead the mapping and designing of market linkages and economic solutions;
- Support the Program in designing and deploying market solutions with high civic and economic integration value;
- Provide both design and implementation support for the Program’s monitoring, evaluation and learning framework, and collaborating, learning, and adapting (CLA) processes;
- Support the Program to build local capacities among small and medium enterprises, together with other Program partners;
- Deliver training exercises for Program partners in PSE strategies and methodologies, and provide coaching / mentorship for implementing partners in PSE approaches too;
- Provide support to the Program’s social and behavioral change (SBC) practices and also issue recommendations and models on how to understand, strategize, and adapt the Program taking into consideration the findings of the Behavioral Barriers Assessment;
- In partnership with UNA Georgia and relevant Program partners, co-implement the monitoring process to check against the baseline for feasibility and applicability;
- In partnership with UNA Georgia and relevant Program partners, participate in co-creating and co-deploying advocacy and communication campaigns on minority issues, public service reform, economic development, economic inclusion, or other project issues; and
- Support the drafting of the Political Economy Assessment (PEA), provide continuous assistance and inputs in the context of monitoring, and make regular updates to the PEA.