Support to Security Sector Oversight Bodies in Georgia

EU Delegation to Georgia;
European Commission;
The overall objective of this action is to increase human security in Georgia by enhancing the accountability of security-related actors. In particular, the project aims to consolidate and strengthen the role and activities of independent oversight bodies in Georgia in line with best EU and international practices.
The following results are expected to be achieved:
- Strengthening the capacities of the Public Defender’s Office, the State Inspector Service, the Parliament (especially its Defence and Security Committee), and the State Audit Office with regard to their oversight functions through the improvement of internal structures and procedures, and the strengthening of effective operations;
- Refining the roles and mandates of oversight bodies, in line with best European practices;
- Strengthening coordination among oversight bodies and with civil society to improve operations and engagement in policy discussion;
- Strengthening coordination among law enforcement bodies; and
- Raising public awareness of oversight roles and the activities of mandated oversight bodies to increase public trust in law enforcement agencies and the oversight mechanisms.
PMCG, as part of a consortium led by B&S Europe, is undertaking the following:
Component 1: Supporting the Public Defender’s Office (PDO)
1.1. Strengthening the PDO’s oversight capacity
1.2. Strengthening public outreach on security sector matters
Component 2: Supporting the Parliament
2.1: Strengthening the capacities of the Parliament, especially its Defense and Security Committee, and the Group of Trust
Component 3: Supporting the State Inspector Service
3.1: Strengthening the investigative activities of the State Inspector Service
3.2: Strengthening public outreach
3.3: Strengthening cooperation mechanisms
3.4: Strengthening personal data protection in law enforcement agencies
Component 4: Supporting the State Audit Office
4.1: Providing international expertise regarding sector-specific issues regarding and approaches to audits in law enforcement agencies;
4.2: Supporting the State Audit Office with a software upgrade to improve oversight and deliver higher impact through audits; and
4.3: Organizing study visits (including joint visits) of representatives from the State Audit Office and law enforcement agencies to share experiences and practices with relevant counterparts of EU Member States.
Component 5: Supporting Coordination and Policy Dialogue on Oversight Topics
5.1: Strengthening collaboration between state and non-state oversight bodies
5.2: Supporting civil society actors including NGOs, media, universities, and think tanks