Assistance in the Implementation of the Roadmap for Engagement with Civil Society

Delegation of the European Union to Bolivia;
European Commission;
Latin America;
The EU, along with the Swiss Cooperation Agency, has been cooperating with civil society and NGOs in Bolivia, ranging from ad-hoc activities to the development of the first roadmap strategy (2014-17), which was updated and resulted in the adoption of a strategy for the period of 2019-2022. Currently, the EU’s dialogue with CSOs is organized into the following seven sectoral areas: governance, rural development and food security; coca and the fight against drug trafficking; education; environment and climate change; health; culture and tourism; and the production sector and employment. In addition, multi-sector meetings are held on operational issues, transparency, the legal environment, and monitoring and financing mechanisms.
In this context, the general objective of this assignment is to provide assistance in the process of implementing the roadmap for engagement with civil society (HdR) 2019-2023 adopted in August 2019 by the EU and its Member States, as well as the European Structured Dialogue Mechanism that has since been derived from it.
PMCG, as part of a consortium led by Business & Strategies in Europe (B&S), is implementing the following activities:
- Developing and implementing the European Structured Dialogue Mechanism and updating the 2019-2020 roadmap, which includes conducting interviews with key informants and holding an initial planning meeting with the selected NGOs already working on the roadmap, and mapping CSOs with a focus on priority sectors;
- Organizing sectoral, multisectoral, ad-hoc and high-level meetings;
- Conducting studies on cross-cutting roadmap topics to inform consultations and training activities for civil society. Suggested topics for review include: human rights and the fight against illicit drug trafficking, the role of civil society in justice reforms in Bolivia, lessons learned in the implementation of gender and generational support programs, effective networks and the formation of strategic alliances, and ways to access EU funding sources;
- Organizing trainings and guidance for CSOs;
- Developing and coordinating a communication and visibility strategy;
- Developing an annual monitoring and reporting system, including establishing evaluation forms, regular two-month meetings with the Advisory Group to evaluate the different activities, progress, challenges and recommendations, monthly activity reports, annual reports, and a final report.