Podcasting Progress – Georgia’s Trade, Transportation, and Logistics Sector with Iain Rawlinson

In this episode, we explore the critical role of Georgia’s transportation and logistics sector, focusing on its strategic position as a transit hub between Europe and Asia. Our guest, Iain Rawlinson, Chief Commercial Officer at APM Terminals Poti, shares his valuable insights on Poti Port’s significance and potential.

Guest Introduction

Currently working on Poti Port on Georgia’s Black Sea coast, Iain possesses decades of valuable experience and success in trade, transportation, logistics, and other aspects. Originally from the UK, his work has taken him to several Gulf states, in some cases transforming the fortunes of major logistical hubs of national, regional, and global importance. 

Hosted by Alastair Watt.

PMC Research’s Publication

Earlier this year, PMC Research released a sector snapshot on Georgia’s transportation and logistics sector:

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