PMCG is Conducting Performance Assessment Project in Georgian State Electrosystem


Starting from February 2013 PMCG has been conducting an institutional performance assessment of Georgian State Electrosystem (GSE) as part of the USAID Human and Institutional Capacity Development – HICD PLUS program. The objective of this project is to develop a performance solution package for Georgian State Electrosystem. In addition, it aims to institutionalize a performance planning and management approach and introduce a performance-driven organizational approach to project management at GSE.

PMCG consultants actively worked with GSE to develop a mid-term strategic plan. The highly professional project team is striving to align and integrate a management planning system in the areas of operational management, technical management, financial management, and HR management.

Moreover, the consultants are developing an implementation plan and a monitoring and evaluation plan. They are identifying Key Performance Indicators benchmarks and targets, and are developing corporate operational procedures. The project team designs and provides GSE staff with capacity-building measures in project management to enhance the management and monitoring skills of respective personnel. The consultants are coaching the GSE staff to link GSE projects to the reconfigured planning and management processes.

In April, in collaboration with the Management Academy, PMCG conducted a series of trainings in project management for the GSE’s top and middle managers.

Chairman and leading trainer of the Management Academy, Mr. Aleksandre Jejelava, outlined the value and importance of the project.

He stated: “In my opinion, for large organizations, such as State Electricity System, it is very important to develop the managerial personnel, especially in the Project Management field. During the training, it was clearly shown that these methodological issues, which we use, are very important for GSE’s managers and there is a strong motivation towards improving the methodology of projects.” – Mr. Aleksandre Jejelava, chairman and leading trainer of the Management Academy.

In conducting the performance assessment, the PMCG team uses a wide array of information gathering methods to identify organizational goals and analyze the actual performance of the organization in meeting its goals.

More information on this project is available on this link.

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