PMCG has Become the Corporate Member of AmCham Georgia


In April 2012, the board of the American Chamber of Commerce in Georgia approved PMCG’s membership in their organization.

AmCham has continued to grow in their influential role as the leading business association in Georgia representing American, International and Georgian businesses. They have committees established to target our policy initiatives on those issues which are the most important to its members:

  • Agribusiness
  • Commercial Law and Tax Committee
  • Corporate Social Responsibility/UN Global Compact
  • Human Resources & Training
  • IT and Telecoms
  • Tourism
  • Trade and Transportation

AmCham Georgia has been a member of the US Chamber of Commerce in Washington, DC since January 2001 and in September 2005 in Kyiv; the Chamber was accepted as a full member of the European Council of American Chambers of Commerce (ECACC) – the first for any of the AmCham in the South Caucasus.

PMCG will actively participate in AmCham’s regular meetings, the American Business Roundtables and other events. AmCham Georgia also has many social activities and other events that will allow us to network with the largest businesses operating in Georgia. In addition, AmCham Georgia works on legislative and policy issues that affect the businesses operating in the country.


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