PMCG established consortium with IMPAQ International, LLC (USA)


U.S.-based research and consulting company IMPAQ International, LLC and PMCG have jointly proposed for Millennium Challenge Georgia (MCG) project ‘Data Quality Review’.

IMPAQ is a U.S.-based research and consulting firm with extensive and highly successful experience in implementing projects in Turkey, Armenia and other countries in the region. IMPAQ is an internationally respected research firm that provides consulting services and technical assistance in the areas of monitoring and evaluation, social safety net programs, employment and training programs, poverty alleviation programs, privatization, and health programs throughout the world. IMPAQ staff has the unique capability to train policy makers in applied research and in design and implementation of social programs, particularly those that target assistance to the most vulnerable groups in society. The firm provides these services for multilateral organizations, government agencies and private sector enterprises.

IMPAQ and PMCG have jointly proposed for the MCG funded project ‘Data Quality Review’. Consultants will review the quality of MCG program data, which provides important information for program management and decision-making and on progress achieved towards the program’s objectives and goal. This Data Quality Reviews (DQR) will cover all data collected during compact life.

The objective of the assignment is to ensure that data collected for Program Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is of acceptable quality, reliability and consistency. Considering the complexity of MCG Program the reviews will be implemented through four rounds and will cover the following basic timelines: 1) First round – all data through the end of PY2; 2) Second round – all data through the end of PY3; 3) Third round – all data through the end of PY4; and 4) Fourth round – all data through the quarter 3 of PY5. The consultant shall carry out the four rounds and provide quality assurance for surveys and other data collection initiatives. The consultant is to review the data gathered for the Program as per four separate inputs to ensure that data reported are valid, reliable, timely, and precise as resources allow. This is to verify the quality and consistency of data across different Implementing Entities (IE) and other institutions engaged in surveys. The data quality reviews will also assist in identifying key issues or problematic areas regarding data quality and identifying mitigation measures to correct the problems.

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