PMCG conducted training sessions for HR staff of Ministry of Education and Science (MoES)


On 11-15th of September PMCG conducted 5 days of training sessions in Gudauri as part of the project “Assistance to the Human Resources Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia”. The project is being implemented within the USAID Good Governance in Georgia (G3) program by PMCG and its main goal is to provide assistance to the Ministry of Education and Science(MoES) in the process of developing its institutional HRM systems.

One of the objectives of the project was to provide training about new human resource management mechanisms and tools to the HR staff of the Ministryin order to increase their capacity.

Specific focus was on the processes of performance appraisal, competency matrix, performance analysis, and motivation systems. In an engaging session, participants were particularly interested in tools of performance evaluation methods. The training session discussed goals, objectives and outcomes of these methods.

To provide greater detail, the following topics were introduced and discussed during the training sessions:

–           Defining the concept of competence;

–           Principles for developing the competency dictionary;

–           Principles of developing competency profiles; Link between competency profiles and job descriptions;

–           Competency evaluation methods;

–           Fields of applications of competency profiles and matrices;

–           Motivation concept and theories of motivation;

–           Non-financial motivation;

–           Link between financial motivation and goal evaluation;

–           Link between financial motivation and competency evaluation;

–           Training and capacity development; role of capacity development;

–           Capacity development planning using competency evaluation etc.

In addition, participants were involved in numerous work groups that included setting the overall goals of the training and each structural unit, defining competencies and designing competency profiles, designing forms of non-financial motivation. At the end of the workshopthe participants discussed what had been gained and learned from the sessions.

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