Improving State Audit Office’s Communication with Citizens


PMCG, as part of the consortium led by Tetra Tech ARD, under the framework of the USAID-funded program “Good Governance Initiative (GGI)”, conducted trainings in storytelling and publication for the State Audit Office (SAO).

The agency sought ways to improve storytelling and communication through its website and other popular channels of communication, such as traditional and new media.

Due to the nature of its work, SAO sometimes struggles to report on its activities in a manner that is not highly technical and is appealing, informative and understandable to non-professional audiences, such as media, NGOs and the general public.

To support the agency to overcome this challenge, the PMCG team conducted trainings for SAO’s PR and Analytical Department leadership in how to effectively tell a story about its activities tailored to specific audiences by making the most of both old and new mechanisms of communication.

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