Handbook on Budget System of Georgia


PMCG, within the frames of the UNDP funded project “Consultancy/Training Services in Budgetary Oversight and Programme Budgeting to the Parliament of Georgia”, has developed the Handbook on the Budget System of Georgia. The handbook aims to assist the members and staff of the parliament to exercise their budgetary oversight function.

The handbook provides information on the budgetary system in Georgia, the recent reforms in this field and the parliament’s role in the budgetary process. It was distributed to new MPs and staff before the discussion of the budget of Georgia 2013 to support them in effective scrutiny of the draft budget law. The handbook is written in easily understandable language emphasizing on principles and policy related issues to ensure effective understanding of the complex process of budgeting and facilitate informed policy decisions, to make it helpful for anyone interested in the budget system of Georgia regardless of their educational background.

Apart from the handbook, PMCG delivers training sessions for representatives of NGOs, Media sector, MPs and staff of the parliament on Program Budgeting in Georgia

PMCG continues its active participation in the Public Finance Management and capacity building activities.

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