Enhancing Parliamentary Oversight of Georgia’s Universal Healthcare Program


On February 26, under the USAID-funded Good Governance Initiative (GGI) in Georgia, we, as a subcontractor to Tetra Tech ARD, introduced our initiated monitoring and evaluation tool to members of the Healthcare and Social Issues Committee of the Parliament of Georgia, enabling them to carry out comprehensive quality monitoring and evaluation of the State Program on Universal Healthcare on an unprecedented scale.

Initially, we developed the evaluation matrices, which included relevant charts, infographics, and visuals with brief narrative explanations/interpretations and analysis of programs to allow the Chair of the Committee, the MPs, and the relevant staff to carry out a simplified day-to-day analysis of the data. Later, GGI’s subcontractor, United Global Technology (UGT), in cooperation with our team, created a software with user-friendly interface platform for the same committee with visuals and easily understood infographics for the Universal Healthcare Program in order to explain where the program stands at any given moment in time.

The platform for monitoring and evaluation was acknowledged to have considerable potential for decision-making grounded in the analysis of Big Data by the Chair of the Committee and all of its members, including Mr. Davit Sergeenko, former Minister of Health, Labor, and Social Affairs of Georgia.

We believe this instrument will also help to institutionalize model practice in monitoring and evaluation in government programs.

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