Economics Students Inspired by PMCG’s “Best Thesis Award”


At PMCG, we know that supporting young people in their development is key to securing an effective and sustainable future for the country as a whole. Moreover, we are certain that youth play a crucial role in ensuring progress, especially in developing countries. Accordingly, we have long been empowering young people by assisting them to obtain high-quality education, and we continue to do so.

With this in mind, in accordance with our scholarship program, which we launched in 2015, we have continuously fi­nanced students to help them to complete their studies in master’s programs at the International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University (ISET). Against this background, we recently launched the “Best Thesis Award,” to be given to three ISET bachelor’s students.

“Initially, the bachelor’s thesis was just an assignment capping my four years of study, but the competition announced by PMCG added significantly to the task. It gave me the impetus and motivation to write as interesting a paper as possible. Therefore, I would like to thank PMCG for making the process so much more stimulating for me,” said Gocha Kardava, one of the awardees.

“We strongly believe that the progress of every country depends on their well-educated and highly-motivated young people, and we are glad to make a small contribution by creating additional incentives for these motivated students, thereby investing in a more stable and progressive future for the country and the region,” said Dr. Tamar Japaridze, Executive Director at PMCG.

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