Assisting Parliament of Georgia to Enhance Budgetary Controls


In recent years a number of steps have been taken to improve the budget oversight mechanisms of the Parliament of Georgia, such as reforming the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) and efforts to improve coordination with the State Audit Office. However, the absence of effective and organized budget oversight systems within the parliamentary committees, as well as a lack of capacity among members of parliament and staff, remain as challenges and will likely persist when the new Parliament assumes office in late 2016.

In order to overcome these challenges, PMCG has set two objectives: to produce a user-friendly handbook on the budgetary process and oversight for newly elected MPs, and to support three sectoral parliamentary committees (Budget and Finance, Sectoral Economy and Healthcare) in creating and introducing an effective and realistic budget oversight system or plan that would potentially serve as a model for budget oversight activity in other committees.

The project is being implemented as part of the USAID-funded program “Good Governance Initiative (GGI)”, by a consortium led by Tetra Tech ARD.


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