ADE-led consortium including PMCG awarded European Commission’s (EC) Multiple Framework Contract


We are pleased to announce that a consortium, of which PMCG is a proud member with other EU based institutions, led by the Belgian consulting company ADE – Aide à la Décision Economique, has been awarded with the European Commission’s (EC) Multiple Framework Contract (FWC BENEF 2013) in Lot 11 – Macro Economy, Statistics, Public Finance Management.

The objective of the multiple Framework Contract (FWC), will last for 2 years, is to provide short-term operational services, mainly on the spot for the exclusive benefit of third world countries all across the globe receiving European Union/Commission external aid. FWC is the EC’s tool for procuring technical assistance services are designed to effectively respond to the needs of Countries of EU cooperation.

PMCG has extensive experience in providing technical assistance services in the areas covered by this contract. Having fundamental expertise in public finance management an economic policy, PMCG offers clients various services, including the following: Strengthening of Financial Management, Accounting, Budgeting, Macro Economic and Fiscal Forecasting, Internal Audit, Financial Oversight and Supervision, Performance and Program Budgeting, Economic Policy Analysis, Tax and Customs Policy, Macroeconomic Modeling, and Procurement Policy.

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