Welcoming Our New Consultant in Water, Wastewater and Solid Waste Management


We are pleased to announce that Mr. Zurab Jikia, a high-profile professional with sound experience in water infrastructure management, has joined our team.

We extend a warm welcome to Mr. Jikia, whose areas of expertise include managing and coordinating components of projects dealing with urban water infrastructure.

Prior to joining our team, he accumulated comprehensive experience in managing various donor-funded projects in communal infrastructure, waste water management, storm water management, water treatment, and water contamination. 

“PMCG has a wide array of projects in my field of expertise and this gives me a chance to translate the academic knowledge I’ve obtained during my years as a university researcher in Spain into real-time problem solving solutions; it also has a very welcoming team, which made my adjusting period fast and smooth and an engaging and motivating work culture, which invites you to go the extra mile to deliver your best,” said Mr. Jikia.

We are confident that Mr. Jikia will greatly contribute to the progress being delivered by PMCG.

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