The EBRD and its Donors Helping us to Grow: Using Mr. Thomas Wittig’s Expertise to Expand and Drive Forward


In achieving our strategic expansion initiatives with regard to geographical coverage, sectors, and products, we believe that it is essential to enhance our organizational capacity continuously. With this in mind, courtesy of the financial support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Small Business Impact Fund (Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, South Korea, TaiwanBusiness – EBRD Technical Cooperation Fund, and the USA) we are delighted to welcome to PMCG as a senior industry adviser, Mr. Thomas Wittig, Founder and CEO at WITTIGONIA.

Together with Mr. Wittig, we are working to boost our commercial growth further through advancing the company’s strategy, optimizing our marketing and communications (especially digital tools and channels of interaction with existing and potential clients, partners, beneficiaries, and consultants), advertising the company’s intellectual products, improving our international media outreach, and strengthening internal capabilities. In the course of his 30 years of professional working experience, Mr. Wittig has held senior executive and C-level positions at well-known enterprises and institutions, including Microsoft Corporation, SAP SE, and other high-growth companies. He also served as the Head Coach for Startup, Scaleup and Entrepreneurship at the Swiss Federal Commission for Technology and Innovation (now InnoSuisse).  

Mr. Wittig has sound experience in strategy development and operational optimization and execution, including digital transformation, innovative solutions, data-driven sales and marketing, company building, international growth strategies, operational strategy development, optimization and streamlining of systems and processes, product development, and business modeling and simulation of performance scenarios.

From 1990 to 2005, he worked for Microsoft Corporation, where in his last five years he held the position of Global Director of the Enterprise Platform, Partner Services and Global Service Operations. At SAP SE, as a Senior Vice President and Member of the Senior Global Executive Team (2005–2009), he led the development of a small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) solutions and partner ecosystem. Since 2014, as the founder and CEO of WITTIGONIA (based in Zurich, Switzerland), he has been working as an independent advisor for enterprises, well-known brands, and international institutions.

Meanwhile, he also teaches as an Adjunct Lecturer for Business and Organization Dynamics at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW), where he covers system dynamics modeling, business dynamics, and digitalization. Through his company WITTIGONIA, he provides engaging learning experiences for individuals and organizations alike, with a focus on system leadership skills development. Mr. Wittig holds degrees from TUM Technical University of Munich, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA, and UEJM Brussels and executive education from Wharton and INSEAD.

We extend our gratitude to the EBRD and its donors for this and previous assistance, which has included conducting company rebranding, building proper communication channels, developing a user-friendly webpage, and enhancing our institutional capacity overall.

Our devotion to continuous development brings tangible outcomes for the company. PMCG was founded in 2007 in Georgia, while in 2013 we established an office in Washington D.C., and last year we officially registered PMCG and PMC Research Center in Ukraine. Throughout its history, PMCG has shared its experience and expertise across a range of different services (policy advising, institutional development and capacity building, monitoring and evaluation, infrastructure development, and corporate development and consulting) to a total of 32 nations across the globe. Our contribution in developing countries’ policies and their implementation of reforms has enabled thousands of people to enhance their wellbeing and overall quality of life. This has ranged from revenue generation in Africa to enhancing fiscal efficiency and regulatory frameworks in Europe and Central Asia. The success we have achieved has been driven by our dedication to blending our knowledge and international best practices, combined with tapping into local expertise in every nation in which we work. Our complex approach ensures that the policies we put together are carefully designed and ideally suited to overcome obstacles and grasp opportunities presented.

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