Supporting the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia in Building and Operation of Innovative Center of Vocational Education


We recently started working on a new project entitled “Vocational Education Program I – Implementation and Accompanying Measures Consultant (Center of Excellence),”  aimed at supporting Georgia in improving the quality of workers in growing sectors of its economy, such as logistics and construction. The project is funded by KfW and implemented by PEM Consult GmbH. 

The project will support the Ministry of Education and Science in the construction and operation of a greenfield “Center of Excellence” (CoE), which will provide high-quality technical, vocational and educational training (TVET) of an international standard for the construction and logistics sectors.

The project includes architectural design, procurement, and construction supervision services, as well as institutional development support.

“The project will greatly contribute to the development of two of the fastest-growing sectors in Georgia – namely the construction and logistic sectors – by supporting the building and operation of a modern and innovative center of vocational education. The center will be able to provide high-quality technical vocational and educational training (TVET) of an international standard for 1,200 trainees and increase their skills and competencies to respond to the demands of these sectors. In particular, the project will cover the architectural design of the institution, procurement and construction supervision services, and support in the setup, institutional development, and proper operation of the Center of Excellence,” said Zviad Kharebava, Business Sector Consulting Director at PMCG.

To achieve the project objectives, PMCG will support tasks related to managing environmental, social, health, and safety (ESHS) impacts and risks. More precisely, we will carry out an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) proportionate to the potential risks and impacts of the project, commensurate with its nature, size, and location according to the World Bank’s environmental and social standards and the World Bank Group’s general and sector specific ESHS guidelines, as well as determining the ESHS risk level. For the construction and operation phases of the project, our team will develop and implement environmental and social management plans (ESMPs), as well as hazardous waste management and stakeholder engagement plans (SEPs).


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