Supporting the EU to Enhance the Impact of Strategic Communication Activities in Ukraine


PMCG, as part of a consortium led by B&S Europe, was recently awarded an EU Framework contract under Lot 3, the aim of which is to evaluate the results of the EU project – “Communicating Europe in Ukraine” (CEIU). The project is to be implemented by PMCG together with GOPA.

The project team will evaluate achievements, the quality and the results of the CEIU. More specifically, the assessment will serve to measure the performance of the project, its enabling factors as well as those hampering the proper delivery of results, with a view to adjusting its design. Furthermore, the aim of this assessment is also to inform the planning of future EU interventions in the same sector.

“Currently, the EU and Ukraine enjoy increasingly close cooperation, which is primarily guided by the AA and DCFTA which has been in force since September 2017, as well as other agreements of a sectoral nature. The Signingature of the AA represented an important milestone, which has put the country on the road to comprehensive transformation and raised the hopes and expectations in the Ukrainian society about the EU and EU-Ukraine cooperation. In this process, it is crucially important that the general public is well informed about EU assistance to Ukraine, as well as the planned and implemented reforms, the challenges and expected benefits that these efforts will ultimately bring for every citizen. The project aims to assess how implemented activities have  positively changed citizens’ attitudes as well as to determine the effectiveness of the communicators’ work. The evaluation will help to formulate lessons and provide insights during the preparation of future actions. Lessons learned could also be applied – and adapted – to other partner countries,.” said– Tamar Medulashvili, EU Projects Manager at PMCG.

The main users of this evaluation will be: the EU Delegation to Ukraine, DG NEAR / Support Group for Ukraine (SGUA), the European External Action Service, ongoing and future EU-funded projects in Ukraine, the Government of Ukraine; and line ministries covered by the topics of communication campaigns.


This project – “Final Evaluation of the Project ref. ENI/2017/368-814 “Communicating Europe in Ukraine” is part of the Services for the Implementation of External Aid 2018 (SIEA), EU Framework: “Human Rights, Democracy and Peace” in which PMCG is a member of the consortium led by B&S Europe.

Please kindly follow the link below for detailed information about the project:
Communicating Europe in Ukraine

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