Supporting Tajik CSOs to Engage in Budget Process
PMCG gave a series of trainings on public financial management for civil society organizations (CSOs), working on social and economic issues on June 13-16, in Vardzob, Tajikistan.
The series were part of the UK AID project Supporting Public Finance Reforms in Tajikistan (Citizens’ and Civil Society Engagement in the Budget Process) in collaboration with the State University of New York’s Center for International Development (SUNY/CID).
Through a combination of discussions, practical work and sharing best practices, participants were allowed to share and gain knowledge, skills and attitudes, necessary to develop valuable recommendations for central and local governments.
PMCG will also support local organizations to build an online platform to enable participating CSOs to rank the recommendations that were drafted during the training in terms of their importance as well as choose potential donors that might be interested in funding budget advocacy/lobbying to persuade the Government of Tajikistan to fully consider these recommendations.
Through this collaboration, the project aims to enhance the capacity of local CSOs to present viable budget recommendations to policy makers and thereby contribute to increasing government accountability in Tajikistan.