Issue 19: External Trade – 2013


External Trade – 2013

        ISSUE  #18 / 11.02.2014



In 2013 the negative external trade balance decreased (-9.1%, -500 mln. USD) compared to the corresponding indicator in 2012. In the mentioned period, the volume of export increased significantly (22.4%, 532 mln. USD), while the volume of import almost remained unchanged (0.4%, 32 mln. USD).

In 2013, the external trade turnover with EU countries increased (3.5%, 97.8 mln. USD). It is notable, that export to EU countries increased  (72.2%, 255 mln.USD), but the volume of import from EU countries decreased (-6.4%, -156 mln. USD).

In 2013, the volume of the following exported products : copper ores (202%, 108 mln.USD), motor cars (20%, 116 mln.USD), nuts (99%, 83 mln.USD), wines (97%, 63 mln.USD) and mineral waters (80%, 47 mln.USD) increased considerably,  while the volume of the following exported products: Ferro-alloy (-12%, -30mln.USD), Ferrous waste and scrap (-85%, -37 mln.USD) and mixed goods (-87%, 32 mln.USD) reduced.

Turkey still remains the major trade partner for Georgia. Its contribution in total trade turnover is 14.2%.






In 2013, external trade turnover was 10.8 billion USD, which ex-ceeds the corresponding indicator of 2012 (5.5%), as well as the indicator of 2011 (16.6%).

In 2013, the share of export in external trade turnover increased (27%), and the share of import in external trade turnover de-creased  (73%) in comparison with the corresponding indicators in 2012 (23.3%, 76.7%).


 In 2013, the volume of export as well as the volume of import increased (22.4%, 0.4%). In the mentioned period, real GDP also increased (3.1%)1.

In 2013, the share of export to GDP increased (18%), but the share of import to GDP decreased (48.7%), in comparison with the cor-responding indicators of 2012 (15%, 49.5%).

In 2013, external trade balance to GDP is -30.7%, while this indi-cator was -34.% in 2012.


1. Forecast of GDP growth by GEOSTAT, based on the VAT payer enter-prises turnover, fiscal and monetary indicators.







 In the fourth quarter of 2013, the volume of import, as well as the volume of export increased in comparison with the fourth quarter of 2012 (14%, 291 mln.USD; 46%, 282 mln.USD). This indicates the recovery process of economy.





In  2013, top five trading partner countries by export were:  Azerbaijan (24%),   Armenia (11%), Ukraine (7%), Russia (7%) and Turkey (6%). The contribution of EU countries in total export is 21%, which is significantly higher (6.1 percentage point) compared to the corresponding indi-cators in 2012 (14.8%). In the mentioned period, the volume of export to EU countries increased dramatically (72.2%, 255 mln.USD).

In 2013, five major exported commodities were: motor cars (24%), ferro-alloys (8%), nuts (6%), copper ores (4%), fertilizers (4%). Based on the fact that cars are not locally produced and are just re-exported through Georgia, Ferro-Alloys can be considered as the major exported commodity in 2013.

In 2013, the volume of the following exported products increased considerably : copper ores (202%, 108 mln.USD), motor cars (20%, 116 mln. USD), nuts (99%, 83 mln.USD), wines (97%, 63 mln.USD) and mineral waters (80%, 47 mln.USD).





In 2013, the top five trading partner countries by import were: Turkey (17%), China (8%), Azerbaijan (8%), Ukraine (8%), Russia (7%) and China (7%).  The major commodities imported from Turkey were: medicaments (52 mln.USD), Structures and parts of structures of iron or steel (36 mln.USD) and sanitary and hygienic products (33 mln.USD). The major commodities imported from Azerbaijan were: petrol and petroleum (276 mln. USD) and gases (247 mln.USD). The major commodities imported from Ukraine were : cigarettes (74 mln.USD) and fittings (44 mln.USD).

Five major imported commodities were: petroleum (14%), motor cars (10%), gases (4%), medicaments (4%) and wheat (3%).      The contribution of imported product from EU countries in total import is 29%.



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