Issue 16: GDP and Foreign Direct Investments – III quarter 2013


GDP and Foreign Direct Investments – III quarter 2013

ISSUE  #16 / 19.01.2014


 In the third quarter of 2013, real GDP increased (1.4%) in comparison with the corresponding indicator in 2012. The largest growth was in agriculture (9.5%) and the largest reduction was in construction (-16.9%) sectors.

In the third quarter of 2013, the volume of foreign direct investment increased significantly (19.9%). Thus, the lack of FDI was not the reason of reduction GDP growth rate.



In the third quarter of 2013, real GDP increased (1.4%) in comparison with the corresponding indicator in 2012. The largest growth was in agriculture (9.5%) and the largest reduction was in construction (-16.9%) sectors.

In the third quarter of 2013, the volume of foreign direct investment increased significantly (19.9%). Thus, the lack of FDI was not the reason of reduction GDP growth rate.





In the third quarter of 2013, agriculture increased (9.5%) compared to the corresponding indicator in 2012 and had the largest share (0.99%) in GDP growth (1.4%).

In the third quarter of 2013, transport and communication increased (6%) and the contribution of this sector in GDP growth rate was significant (0.91%).

In the third quarter of 2013, there was a significant reduction in construction (-16.9%), which had a negative effect on GDP growth (-1.72%).



In the third quarter of 2013, industry increased compared to third quarter of 2012 (2.4%). This sector had the highest contribution (18.9%) in the third quarter of 2013 GDP formation. FDI in industry reduced (-8.8%).


In the third quarter of 2013, the reduction of construction was high compared to the third quarter of 2012 (-16.9%). The contribution of construction in GDP formation was ( 8.3%), but the same time FDI in construction increased (149%).





In the third quarter of 2013, trade increased (1.5%) in comparison with the third quarter of 2012. This sector had the second highest contribution in the third quarter of 2013 GDP formation (15.5%).


In the third quarter of 2013, agriculture grew significantly (9.5%) compared to the third quarter of 2012. In this period the contribution of agriculture in real GDP formation was 11.2%. FDI in agriculture increased (118%).





In the first three quarters of 2013, the largest contribution in formation GDP had the following sectors: trade (15%), industry (Mining and quarrying, Manufacturing, Processing of products by households ) (13%) and transport and communication (10%).

In the first three quarters of 2013, the largest shares of FDI were allocated in these following sectors : energy sector (20%), financial sector (18%), transport and communication (15%). The shares of these sectors in GDP are, respectively, 2.5%, 2.8%, 10%.



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