Prospects of Georgia’s Integration in the EU Customs Union


PMCG and ICC-Georgia will implement the project which will be targeted toward expediency issues for Georgia to integrate into the EU Customs Union. With the workshop conducted in Tbilisi, consultants from Turkey and Romania will develop policy recommendations for the Government of Georgia on the above-mentioned issue.

PMCG together with ICC-Georgia is implementing a Project: Prospects of Georgia’s Integration in the EU Customs Union

PMCG and ICC-Georgia will implement the project which will be targeted toward expediency issues for Georgia to integrate into the EU Customs Union. With the workshop conducted in Tbilisi, consultants from Turkey and Romania will develop policy recommendations for the Government of Georgia on the above-mentioned issue.

Start Date: May 2010
End Date: August 2010
Country: Georgia
Client: German Marshall Fund
Funder: German Marshall Fund

Description of the Project:

The Black Sea Fund for Regional Cooperation, a project of the German Marshall Fund, is supporting the project focusing on expediency issues for Georgia to integrate into the EU Customs Union. PMCG and International Chamber of Commerce Georgia will implement the project and will carry it out in close cooperation with the Ministry of Finance and other state institutions and Georgian business associations.

The project goal is to accelerate Georgia’s integration into the EU Customs Union.

The following is the list of project objectives:

  1. Evaluate the benefits the country will gain through integrating into the EU Customs Union;
  2. Identify challenges of the integration into the EU Customs Union;
  3. Learn Turkish and Romanian best practices;
  4. Obtain recommendations from the international experts who personally participated in EU Customs Union joining processes in their countries;
  5. Assess and study difficulties that neighboring countries experienced during EU integration process and try to prevent them
  6. Prepare the grounds for the next activities which will:

    1. make a thorough analysis of the gaps in the regulations and standards of the Georgian customs legislation and detect divergences from the relevant EU practices
    2. prepare a detailed action plan for the government to join the EU Customs Union
    3. Analyze the areas closely related to the customs field such as: phyto-sanitary, veterinary issues etc.
  7. Increase public awareness about Georgia’s opportunity to join the EU Customs Union, including awareness among Georgian state institutions.

The project will assist the Georgian Government to create a clear vision of the integration process into the EU Customs Union.

Another significant impact will be donor community coordination within this field. A clear vision of the Georgian Government concerning the EU Customs Union will stimulate international donor organizations to support a large scale project which will prepare detailed gap analysis between the Georgian and EU customs legislation and an action plan on how to join the EU Customs Union.

Few words about the partner institutions:

The German Marshall Fund ( of the United States is a nonpartisan American public policy and grant-making institution dedicated to promoting greater cooperation and understanding between North America and Europe.

The Black Sea Fund for Regional Cooperation, a Project of the German Marshall Fund, provides grants to local and national NGOs in the Wider Black Sea Region, to governmental entities, community groups, policy institutes, other associations to implement projects in the three programmatic areas of the Trust: civic participation, cross-border initiatives and Eastern Links.

ICC-Georgia (, the Georgian chapter of the International Chamber of Commerce, was established in 2002 and is dedicated to improving the business and investment climate in the country.

Today ICC-Georgia unites leading companies and business associations within Georgia. A dynamic and energetic business organization in the country, it represents a wide array of business sectors and backgrounds.

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