Vocational Education Program I – Implementation and Accompanying Measures Consultant

Project Client

Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia;



Origin Of Funding


Start Date


End Date




The goal of the project is to improve the standard of workers in growing sectors of the Georgian economy, such as logistics and construction. More precisely, it supports the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia in the establishment and operation of a greenfield “Center of Excellence” (CoE), which will provide high-quality technical, vocational, and educational training (TVET) of an international standard for the construction and logistics sectors. The project is funded by KfW and implemented by PEM Consult GmbH.

The project includes architectural design, procurement, and construction supervision services, as well as institutional development support. It has the following two main components:

  • Preparing the design of the CoE building, taking into careful consideration the local social and environmental conditions, which includes providing supervision and assistance in the course of completing the infrastructure phase of the project; and
  • Creating the necessary framework and conditions for the Center to implement all of its functions, developing a feasible business model, as well as creating and implementing a consistent marketing strategy (the project also reviews curricula, assesses teaching capacity and learning materials, and implements training modules for CoE employees).

To achieve the project objectives, PMCG, as a subcontractor of PEM Consult GmbH, is assisting in tasks related to managing environmental, social, health, and safety (ESHS) impacts and risks. Specifically, PMCG is doing the following:

  • Carrying out an environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) to ascertain the potential risks and impacts of the project, commensurate with its nature, size, and location according to the World Bank’s environmental and social standards and its general and sector-specific ESHS guidelines;
  • Determining the ESHS risk level;
  • Preparing hazardous waste management plans based on KfW regulations and national requirements, and the stakeholder engagement plan (SEP); and
  • Developing and implementing environmental and social management plans (ESMPs) for the construction and operation phases of the project in compliance with the above-mentioned standards.