Training and Consultation Support (TCS) in Public Policy to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture (MEPA)

Project Client


United Nations Development Programme (UNDP);



Origin Of Funding


Start Date


End Date




The main goal of the project was to increase the capacity of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia (MEPA) through a series of capacity-building measures to ensure effective planning and implementation of evidence-based participatory and accountable public policy.

Under the UNDP-funded project, PMCG provided training and consultation support (TCS) in public policy to the MEPA.

PMCG provided the following services:

  • Conducting a needs assessment in the Ministry. The assessment covered the policymaking process and identifying gaps therein, evaluating staff capacities, and picking out how many staff required training on public policymaking.
  • Conducting capacity-building activities. Adapting the existing public policy planning arrangements, delivering trainings to relevant staff in the Ministry, providing on-the-job coaching to support staff in developing relevant policy documents.
  • Creating a risk bank. Supporting the Ministry to develop a risk bank with relevant the methodology for future use in coordination with the Administration of the Government of Georgia.
  • Collating a recommendations package. Developing recommendations on improving data management and analysis in the Ministry, as well as on relevant institutionalizing individual and organizational learning elements.