The Gardabani Wastewater Treatment Project

Project Client

Georgian Water and Power (GWP);



Origin Of Funding

Georgian Water and Power (GWP);

Start Date


End Date




The overall objective of the project was to improve the Gardabani Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) in accordance with EU Directive 91/271/EEC. In the course of the project, PMCG provided independent consultancy services to prepare recommendations to improve the operation of Gardabani WWTP.

In particular, PMCG, as a subcontractor of p2m berlin GmbH, participated in conducting a detailed study of the WWTP to explore the full cycle of its current functions by inspecting buildings and different facilities. Based on the inspection, several reports were to be prepared.

PMCG’s activities included:

  • Data collection during the project implementation via desk review of various documents and site inspections;
  • Organization of site visits and communication with the client; and
  • Preparation of several assessment reports.