Summative Evaluation of the Expert Deployment for Governance and Economic Growth (EDGE) Project

Project Client

Ministry for International Development acting through the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development by the Canadian Embassy in Ukraine (DFATD);



Origin Of Funding

Ministry for International Development acting through the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development by the Canadian Embassy in Ukraine (DFATD);

End Date



Eastern Europe and Balkans;

The main objective of this project is to conduct a summative evaluation of the Expert Deployment for Governance and Economic Growth (EDGE) project.

The project evaluates and shares the EDGE project results with key stakeholders, assesses the applicability of the EDGE technical assistance model, and assesses the advantages/disadvantages of the deployment of international versus local experts as well as short-term versus long-term deployment. Moreover, it will support informed decision-making on the part of Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD) in its programming, and formulate recommendations on strengthening the involvement of Ukrainian SMEs in trade and investment to improve future possible programming pursuant to economic growth. 

In order to help achieve the specific objectives of the project, PMCG will undertake the following activities:

  • Conduct preliminary document analysis and consultations with key stakeholders;
  • Prepare an evaluability assessment report;
  • Develop an evaluation work plan; and
  • Develop a final evaluation report.