Strengthening Strategic Planning

The Ministry of Finance of Tajikistan;
The World Bank;
Central Asia;
The project is being implemented under the World Bank project Public Finance Management Modernization Project II (PFMII) which aims to improve the effectiveness and transparency of public financial management in Tajikistan.
By supporting modernization of the automated financial management systems, the project seeks to strengthen budget planning and execution, treasury, accounting and financial reporting functions across government entities.
More specifically, PMCG is working in three main directions: improvement of the strategic planning process; development of a strategic planning methodology and development of sector strategies templates; and training delivery.
In order to achieve its desired goals, PMCG is conducting the following activities:
- Reviewing regulatory framework for strategic planning;
- Recommending of amendments to existing laws, adoption of new laws and, if necessary, providing draft laws and amendments;
- Conducting a comprehensive system analysis of the institutional framework;
- Developing strategic planning methodology;
- Conducting training needs assessment;
- Designing modules and conducting trainings for the development of sectorial development strategies, coordination, monitoring and evaluation for specialists of interested ministries and agencies, as well as teachers of leading universities and institutions.
As a result, the Government of Tajikistan will obtain: an action plan to improve strategic planning processes; a methodology to form strategic planning at national and sectorial levels; and nine strategic plan templates for nine sectors of functional budget classification. These instruments will enable the government to more effectively and transparently plan and execute its budget.