Strengthening Knowledge and Capacities Regarding Design and Implementation of Free Trade Agreements Involving Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Countries
Asian Development Bank (ADB);
Asian Development Bank (ADB);
Central Asia;
South Asia;
The project’s primary objective is to strengthen knowledge and capacities of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) countries regarding the design and implementation of free trade agreements (FTAs). The CAREC Program is a partnership of 11 countries and development partners working together to promote development through cooperation, leading to accelerated economic growth and poverty reduction. It is guided by the overarching vision of “Good Neighbors, Good Partners, and Good Prospects.”
To ensure that global and regional trade and investment opportunities of the CAREC countries are enhanced, and that integration in regional and global economies is boosted through the countries’ improved capacities to design, negotiate, implement, and monitor FTAs, we take a pragmatic and differentiated approach and use intra-regional knowledge and experience-sharing combined with international best practices when preparing training and capacity-building activities and material. Specifically, PMCG undertakes the following activities:
- Conducting FTA knowledge and capacity needs assessments (CNAs) in CAREC countries;
- Preparing CAREC FTA guidelines on FTA design, negotiation, implementation, and monitoring;
- Preparing country-specific action plans to improve the institutions, capacity, and practices in participating and implementing FTAs;
- Delivering knowledge-sharing and capacity-building events:
- Six national workshops in selected CAREC countries;
- A regional event to share FTA lessons and best practices;
- A regional training of trainers on how to design, negotiate, and implement FTAs; and
- Targeted capacity development activities on FTAs in at least four countries.