Increasing Program Budgeting Capacity of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia

Project Client

Government of Georgia;



Origin Of Funding


Start Date


End Date




Project Description:


PMCG, under the consortium led by Tetra Tech ARD, will provide support to the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia in strengthening the program budgeting capacity of the Ministry staff and formulating the needs-oriented 2016 program budget for the Ministry.

The main objective of the assignment is to ensure effective and efficient use of public resources enabled through enhanced capacity and skills of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure staff in program budgeting.

Participatory processes of medium-term planning and program budgeting, with initial meetings with key stakeholders followed by public presentations of the draft budget to stakeholders, will help to define the major program priorities of the Ministry, the entities within the system of the Ministry and the entities operated by the Ministry from the medium-term perspective and identify the actions that should secure realization of the institutional priorities for coming years.

During this consultancy, consultants from PMCG will perform the following tasks:

  1. Hold a series of meetings and discussions with the Ministry staff to identify key priorities of the Ministry
  2. Based on the findings of the above meetings and according to the new methodology that has been developed by the Ministry of Finance of Georgia with GIZ’s assistance, support the Ministry staff in development and revision of the Basic Data and Directions document of the Ministry
  3. Deliver technical and methodological coaching to the Ministry staff to develop draft 2016 programs, sub-programs and performance indicators
  4. Facilitate the finalization of 2016 programs, sub-programs and performance indicators and assist the Ministry in the development of the final draft 2016 budget of the Ministry
  5. Assist the staff of the Ministry dealing with budget and PR-related issues in the planning and facilitation of the series of meetings with citizens and broader groups of stakeholders to present the 2016 program budget of the Ministry
  6. Develop a Final Report on the technical assistance provided to the Ministry
  7. Provide an exit briefing for relevant GGI staff and the USAID COR

Background information:

USAID has awarded Tetra Tech ARD with a 5-year contract under the Office of Democracy and Governance, whose purpose is to support the Government of Georgia in strengthening overall transparency, accountability and effectiveness of selected governance and service delivery systems. GGI’s work targets the legislative and executive branches at both the central and local government levels. To ensure greater government accountability, GGI works with government and civil society representatives to enhance public participation and disseminate public information about key reforms. This activity addresses the Governing Justly and Democratically Objective of U.S. Government Foreign Assistance, and especially the promotion of well-governed states and civil society areas.

The objectives of GGI are to improve administrative and financial management of public institutions at all levels, to increase civic engagement and improve access to independent, reliable and balanced information relevant to Georgia’s good governance, to strengthen policy development and lawmaking processes and to strengthen institutional oversight of government.

Follow the links below for more related information:
Good Governance Initiative (GGI)
Partnership for Budget Transparency: Civil Society Oversight of Public Spending
Enhance Transparency and Accountability of the State Competition and Procurement Agency and its Dispute Resolution Board
Consultancy/Training Services in Budgetary Oversight and Programme Budgeting to the Parliament of Georgia within the UNDP Project “A strong Parliament in a Consolidated Democracy”
Study to Enhance the Public Outreach Function of the Competition and State Procurement Agency (CSPA)
Organizational Development and Training for Policy Analysis, Strategic Planning and Coordination Department at the Government of Georgia
Strengthening Government of Autonomous Republic of Adjara Institutional Capacity for Program Budgeting
Review of the Implementation of the PFM Management Sector Budget Support Programme (SPSP)
Financial Oversight Development Project: Professional Training Support to the Parliament of Georgia