Final Evaluation of the “Promotion of Human Rights in Pakistan”

Project Client

EU Delegation to Pakistan;



Origin Of Funding


Start Date


End Date



South Asia;

The project focuses on the evaluation of an EU-funded human rights intervention entitled “Technical Assistance – Promotion of Human Rights in Pakistan.”

The project aims to ensure the independent assessment of the program’s performance and to document valuable lessons learned, conclusions, and recommendations to benefit future interventions.

The evaluation comprises the following four phases:

  • Inception Phase – The evaluation begins with an initial review of the relevant background documents, while preliminary interviews are also conducted with key stakeholders. A critical analysis is then undertaken to reconstruct the intervention logic/theory of change description. Finally, the potential risks of the methodology are identified, with appropriate mitigation measures put in place accordingly.
  • Interim Phase – The evaluation process includes in-depth analysis of relevant documents, as well as face-to-face interviews and focus group discussions with experts and CSOs. Moreover, a problem tree and draft log frame are developed, after which a proposal for designing the expected results and outcomes is presented to promote cross-cutting EU objectives.
  • Synthesis Phase – This phase entails analyzing and synthesizing the evidence and data collected, as well as drafting and presenting the final report for the reference group.
  • Dissemination Phase – The fourth and final phase includes two half-day workshops and five meetings designed to present the draft evaluation report and engage key stakeholders in consultation, as well as the creation of a knowledge dissemination product for the benefit of the general public, such as an infographic or video.