Feasibility Study of the Zemo Samgori Irrigation Scheme Rehabilitation Project in Georgia

Ministry of Environmental Protection of Georgia Agriculture (MEPA);
Agence Française de Développement (AFD);
One major obstacle to the agricultural development of Georgia is the deterioration of key infrastructure such as irrigation and drainage systems. According to the Georgian Irrigation Strategy, 200,000 ha should be irrigated by 2025 through the rehabilitation of existing schemes, the construction of new water reservoirs along with promoting on-farm drip irrigation technology and strengthening related extension services. The Zemo Samgori area initiative is one of the priorities of the Georgian authorities in this regard as it is a key enabler, boosting the economy through the revival of the agricultural sector.
The overall objective of the project is to carry out a feasibility study, focused on technical assistance and capacity reinforcement aspects.
To contribute to the project objectives and assess the current situation with respect to agriculture and irrigation in terms of gender equality, PMCG, in consortium with BRL ingénierie, is carrying out the following activities:
- Elaboration of a quick assessment of gender-equality issues in the Georgian agricultural sector with a special focus on irrigation;
- Assessment of outstanding gender-equality issues relevant to the Zemo Samgori area; and
- Evaluation of the gender impact of the Zemo Samgori irrigation scheme rehabilitation project and formulating recommendations for further actions.
Based on the report, an assessment of gender-equality issues was conducted, and solutions were proposed to enhance and promote gender-equality aspects within the Zemo Samgori area.