Conducting Trainings in storytelling and publication for the State Audit Office (SAO)

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Project Description:


PMCG, as part of the consortium led by Tetra Tech ARD, under the framework of the USAID-funded program “Good Governance Initiative (GGI)”, is conducting trainings in storytelling and publication for the State Audit Office (SAO).

Due to the nature of its work, SAO is struggling to ‘tell a story’ about its activities, in a manner that is not highly technical and is appealing, informative and understandable to non-professional audiences, such as media, NGOs and the general public. The agency is seeking ways to improve story-telling and communication through its website and other popular channels of communication, such as traditional and new media. Thus, SAO would significantly benefit from acquiring practical skills in how to effectively tell a story about its activities tailored to specific audiences by making the most of the already existing mechanisms of communication, as well as by learning about new ones.

The training aims to increase the capacity of SAO by improving communication with critical audiences through existing and new communication mechanisms.

In this regard, the PMCG team is providing the following services:

  1. Working with the GGI staff and SAO’s PR and Analytical Department leadership to design a training module that meets the needs of SAO Department staff, with follow-up sessions as needed
  2. Working with GGI staff and SAO’s PR and Analytical Department leadership to develop training materials (including practical exercises, handouts, agenda, homework, etc.)
  3. Conducting two 1.5 day trainings for SAO’s PR and Analytical Department staff
  4. Reviewing homework assignments of the training participants

Background information:

USAID has awarded Tetra Tech ARD with a 5-year contract under the Office of Democracy and Governance, whose purpose is to support the Government of Georgia in strengthening overall transparency, accountability and effectiveness of selected governance and service delivery systems.

GGI’s work targets the legislative and executive branches at both the central and local government levels. To ensure greater government accountability, GGI works with government and civil society representatives to enhance public participation and disseminate public information about key reforms. This activity addresses the Governing Justly and Democratically Objective of U.S. Government Foreign Assistance, and especially the promotion of well-governed states and civil society areas.

The objectives of GGI are to improve administrative and financial management of public institutions at all levels, to increase civic engagement and improve access to independent, reliable and balanced information relevant to Georgia’s good governance, to strengthen policy development and lawmaking processes and to strengthen institutional oversight of government.

Follow the links below for related projects:

Good Governance Initiative (GGI)
Enhancing Communication between Citizens and the Parliament of Georgia
Human Resource Management Trainings for State Registration Service of Kyrgyz Republic
Strengthening the Human Resource Capacity of the Civil Service Bureau of Georgia
Partnership for Budget Transparency: Civil Society Oversight of Public Spending
Organizational Development and Training for Policy Analysis, Strategic Planning and Coordination Department at the Government of Georgia
USAID Georgia, G3 Program – Training Courses for Senior Civil Servants in 14 Newly-Created Municipalities
Strengthening PR/Communications Department of the State Chancellery of the Government of Georgia