Communicating Europe in Ukraine
European Union Delegation to Ukraine;
European Commission;
Eastern Europe and Balkans;
This project concerns the final evaluation of the “Communicating Europe in Ukraine” (CEIU) project, with a focus on Eastern regions of Ukraine and the assessment of achievements recorded. In particular, the evaluation will serve to measure the performance of the CEIU, its enabling factors and those hampering a proper delivery of results in order to adjust its design, as well as to inform the planning of future EU interventions and actions in the same sector.
The main users of this evaluation will be: the EU Delegation to Ukraine, DG NEAR / Support Group for Ukraine (SGUA); the European External Action Service; ongoing and future EU-funded projects in Ukraine (management and communication experts); the Government of Ukraine; and line ministries covered by the topics of the communication campaigns.
The specific aspects to be evaluated are:
- The matching of actions with the needs of the key stakeholders;
- The materialization of the expected results and any facilitating or hindering factors;
- The overall efficiency of the Action with a particular focus on the communication campaigns on EU assistance to Ukraine;
- The contribution made towards a more coherent and coordinated strategic communication framework for EU assistance to Ukraine;
- The contribution to systematic and coherent reforms communication on the side of the Government of Ukraine with a particular focus on the thematic areas covered by the Action;
- The governing mechanisms of the Action;
- The performance of the management and its capacity to adapt to changing conditions;
- The relevance and cost-effectiveness of the innovative approach applied (e.g. large-scale thematic communication campaigns on the EU assistance to Ukraine, targeted support to capacity building on communication for the EU Delegation staff and EU-funded project staff);
- The framework for measuring, monitoring and evaluating the performance of the Action, as well as recommendations for its improvements by means of defining clear, transparent and measurable indicators at various levels; and
- The framework for improving the identification and design of similar future actions by means of delivering findings, conceptual proposals and operational recommendations for future set-up and implementation approaches, including the logical framework matrix.
This project is part of the Services for the Implementation of External Aid (SIEA) 2018 EU Framework Contract Lot 3: “Human Rights, Democracy and Peace” in which PMCG is a member of a consortium led by B&S Europe.