Accompanying Measure (Component I): Organizational and Operational Support to Georgian State Electrosystem (GSE)

Project Client




Origin Of Funding


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End Date




This project is being implemented in the context of the “Open Program Energy Sector” financed by the German government, the overall objectives of which are to increase transmission reliability and capacity and to improve the security of the energy supply in Georgia. The Accompanying Measure of the “Open Program Energy Sector” will contribute to accomplishing the program’s overall objectives and shall therefore support the Georgian State Electrosystem (GSE) in the sustainable implementation and operation of the Infrastructure Component of the “Open Program Energy Sector.”

In the wake of this assignment, the GSE’s capacities to deal with its upcoming tasks in a reformed Georgian energy market will be strengthened.

As a result of the project:

  • The GSE will be enabled to fulfil its role as Transmission System Operator (TSO) according to Energy Community Rules and the EU’s Third Energy Package;
  • The GSE will be enabled to conclude more efficient interconnection agreements with neighboring countries; and
  • The GSE will have received the support needed to successfully continue the NSEI/AGIR project.

We will:

  • Provide trainings and guidance to GSE staff to adjust procedures and structure as needed in order to properly assume the role of TSO;
  • Set the basis for bilateral/regional interconnection agreements through improved knowledge at the GSE about the potential benefits of, and procedures regarding, concluding those agreements;
  • Review the current status of the NSEI/AGIR-project (involving the cooperation of Armenia, Georgia, Iran, and Russia) to provide a basis for improved cooperation; and
  • Increase the knowledge and skills of the GSE’s staff with respect to TSO tasks as well as organization and regional and international cooperation.

PMCG, as a subcontractor of Fichtner Management Consulting, is providing the following services:

  1. Identification of appropriate professional software to support the project management tasks in the GSE with special regard to coordination, monitoring and evaluation, and standard reporting on investment and technical assistance projects, including specifically:
  • Identification of software needs and recommendations; and
  • Development of a data concept.
  1. Provision of support in software procurement, including:
  • Recommendation of appropriate IT tools;
  • Tailoring of tender documents to meet identified software requirements; and
  • Assisting in the software selection / awarding process.
  1. The initial training of PIU staff and technical department staff involved in project realization.