PMCG Scholarships Enabling Students to Attain High Quality Education


On February 10, Policy and Management Consulting Group (PMCG) awarded students with PMCG’s scholarships to continue studying at the International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University (ISET).

“The progress of Georgia, and indeed the whole world, depends on these types of highly motivated and educated young people. We are glad that we were given an opportunity to create additional incentives for the motivated students, and to invest in the stable and progressive future of the country and the region”, explained Aleksi Aleksishvili, CEO and Chairman at PMCG.

PMCG’s criteria were quite simple with ISET chosen as one of the leading economic schools introducing international academic standards in Georgia. Two students who had the highest GPA and demonstrated exceptional drive in the studying process, were chosen under the framework of the company’s scholarship program.

At the awarding ceremony, PMCG Chairman and CEO Aleksishvili shared his and PMCG’s experience of enhancing the economies of countries in transition. Aleksishvili reviewed Georgia’s economic development, focusing on the major contributing factors to economic development. He discussed current challenges faced by the country including foreign direct investment, balance of payments (BoP), exchange rate, remittances, governance and economic policy issues.

Aleksishvili also shared his opinion with students regarding the importance of diversifying the national economy and integrating it into the regional and world economy.

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