PMCG Presents the Final Report Quality Review of Monitoring Data of MCA-Moldova


On 21 November, in Chisinau, Moldova Policy and Management Consulting Group (PMCG) presented the final report Quality Review of Monitoring Data (QRMD) of Millennium Challenge Account – Moldova. Presentation was delivered by Team Leader Mr. Mamuka Shatirishvili and Local Monitoring and Evaluation Experts. PMCG Consultants presented the technical approach and methodology, also key findings, recommendations and suggested action plans from each of the data quality rounds were introduced to key stakeholders, including MCA-Moldova, MCC, consultants/facilitators, other data collectors, and other stakeholders.  After the presentation data quality review team also will hold a discussion and answer questions about the project findings. 

The objectives of Quality Review of the Monitoring Data are to assess the extent to which the MCA-Moldova Monitoring Data meets the standards defined in the MCC M&E Policy in the areas of validity, reliability, timeliness, precision and integrity. PMCG team assessed data of the two components of MCA-Moldova Compact – Road Rehabilitation Project (RRP) and Transition to High Value-added Agriculture (THVA) project.

Data quality review will be used to verify the consistency and quality of data over time across implementing agencies and other reporting institutions. QRMD will also serve to identify where the highest levels of data quality is not possible, given the realities of data collection.

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