PMCG is Providing Services for Afghanistan in Trade Facilitation and Improvement of Doing Business Indicators


PMCG within the Trade and Accession Facilitation for Afghanistan (TAFA) project provided by USAID is supporting the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA) in generating economic growth, trade and investment by improving the conditions for international and cross-border trade and transit.

The USAID supported TAFA project is implemented by the consortium led by Chemonics. The project will help GIRoA and the Afghan private sector to realize the advantages of greater regional and global trade linkages and export-oriented business development through assistance in four categories:

  • Trade policy liberalization;
  • Customs reform,
  • Trade facilitation, and;
  • Public outreach on trade-related issues.

The project seeks to improve processes and reduce impediments in the following areas affecting Afghanistan’s trade and investment environment.

In particular PMCG’s task includes, but is not limited to:

  • Participation in TAFA activities, work with the government and other counterparts to review and improve Afghanistan’s performance on the Doing Business report;
  • Local support to conduct a study tour in Georgia;
  • Technical Assistance for Improvement of Customs Operations, supporting a counterpart (Customs Department) to create proper mechanisms for revenue projections, planning, and proper revenue collection systems, sharing Georgia’s experience of improving custom’s revenue projections and proper collections for each custom’s centers.

PMCG provides services advising governments and development organizations on how to plan, shape, implement, and follow up the reforms related to doing business.

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