PMCG begins improving communication systems of PR Department of the Chancellery of the Government of Georgia (GoG)


As part of the USAID Good Governance in Georgia (G3) Program,  PMCG with PR and Marketing communications agency – Gepra and web-developing company Fenom has been tasked with improving transparency, accountability and institutional efficiency at all levels of government thereby providing better services to citizens, as well as improving communication channels between GoG institutions, stakeholders, civil society and citizens of Georgia.

The main objective of the project is to strengthen the cross-governmental communication systems of thePR/Communications Department of the Chancellery of GoG and create opportunities for citizen engagement through government policies and planned reforms.
Initially, the project team will conduct an assessment and analysis of the current operations of the PR Department. The assessment will include recommendations for enhancement of its institutional operation systems as well for the creation of efficient communication mechanisms for both internal and external communication. Based on these recommendations, PMCG’s PR team will deliver professional development training on communication strategies for the department staff. The training workshop also aims to develop a new PR/Communication strategy.

Taking into account the requirements of the new PR/Communication platform (strategy), PMCG’s IT team will develop an official web-site of the Government of Georgia – -created in accordance with international best practices. The development of the web-site intends to ensure its consistency with the stated objectives of effective communication with citizens and stakeholders.

In addition, the project team will develop procedural manuals for effective management of the newly revised web-page. To ensure efficiency and sustainability of the project, training sessions will be delivered for technical and content managers.

One of the significant outputs of this project is the staging of a 3-day workshop for up to 30 participants from the chancellery and other GoG institutions from PR departments. The workshop’s objective will be to develop a framework for a new PR/Communications Platform that will focus mainly on improvements to internal and external communication mechanisms, including electronic media across the government entities.

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