PMCG Assisted the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia (MEPA) to Enhance State Funding for Biodiversity


We recently finished assisting the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia (MEPA) in its aim to develop its capacity to achieve consistently increased budget allocations for the biodiversity agenda.

PMCG has identified priority areas in biodiversity to be funded from the government budget, and has outlined specific actions to address the major issues in these priority areas. We have prepared a medium-term biodiversity vision and action plan for the government funding of biodiversity conservation and have developed a guideline for an effective budgeting process.

At the final stage of the project, we conducted a training in budget advocacy for the representatives of the MEPA, the Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture, the National Environmental Agency, the Environmental Information and Education Centre, and the State Sub-Agency Department of Environmental Supervision in order to provide techniques to ensure proper preparation of future budgets. The trainings covered theoretical and practical parts of preparing the executive budget proposal.

The project has already delivered a significant outcome, as the 2019 government budget allocation for biodiversity has been increased by GEL 300,000.

The project was implemented by PMCG in collaboration with the BioFin, under the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) project.

Please kindly follow the link below for detailed information about the project:

Support to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture for Improvement of State Funding for Biodiversity

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