Improving Transparency in Georgia by Assisting Public Finance Management Reform


Policy and Management Consulting Group (PMCG) together with Louis Berger (France) will assist the Government of Georgia (GoG) by strengthening the country’s institutional and policy framework, under the EU-funded project “Support Public Finance Policy Reform (PFPR)” in Georgia.

The project is focused on supporting the on-going reforms in PFM through policy advising and supporting institutional and human resource capacity building.

A team of consultants will provide efficient and effective assistance to the GoG and respective public institutions to enhance policy-based budgeting, external assessment and accountability of the government, public internal financial control as well as external audit and public oversight over the executive by the Parliament.

Citizens of the country will be the ultimate beneficiaries, as the final purpose of the project is to facilitate the transparency, accountability and effectiveness of public finance policy and management.

Such a multi-faceted approach will raise public awareness with regards to the Government’s policy of budget expenditures and this wider public understanding in turn increases the accountability and need for transparency on the part of the Government.

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