Developing Organizational Strategy for Electricity Systems Commercial Operator


As the Georgian energy sector undergoes profound changes, the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia is working to introduce the redesigned model of the Electricity Trading Mechanism (ETM) to the Georgian electrical system. This will require all key players in Georgia’s electricity sector, including Electricity Systems Commercial Operator (ESCO), to align their organizational performance to the altered external environment, and undertake necessary efforts to prepare for these drastic changes.

Therefore, PMCG, under the HICD 2020 Activity, is providing support to set up transformation processes and relevant procedures at ESCO, which will help the organization to effectively and efficiently plan, communicate, implement, monitor and reinforce changes while withstanding resistance.

PMCG will carry out the following activities: assist ESCO to develop an aligned and integrated management planning and performance system; facilitate the elaboration of a mid-term/transitional strategic plan for the next two years; assist ESCO to develop effective performance monitoring and evaluation system; facilitate elaboration of the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan for ESCO’s institutional strategy; and enhance the capacities of staff to monitor and evaluate organizational performance.

As a result of these activities, ESCO’s senior and middle level management will be prepared to effectively adapt to the changes in the external environment.

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